The first thing I'd like to know is in what
situation it would occur that the CUR defined below would
take place even when bonus conversion is kept
The second thing I'd like to know is if it's possible
to determine the relative mathematical values of a
tossup and a bonus. A tossup is "worth" p points and -n
if you neg, a bonus is "worth" b points, but that
only means you're awarded m points for a correct
answer and n points for a correctly-swept bonus, while a
tossup actually has a maximum possible reward of p+b,
but if you neg the net change in score could be
p+b+n...this is where my head starts to spin because I don't
know that much math.
Colvin originally defined a CUR as a game in
1. Team A scores as many or more tossup points
(tossups times 10 minus
interrupts times five) than
Team B.
2. Team A converts a higher percentage of
its available bonus points than
Team B.
3. Team
A loses the match.
(At first, it was
believed that a CUR could only occur in matches using
VVB's. However, it has been demonstrated by Colin
Russell that the above
definition can produce a CUR
even if bonus values are held constant.
Colin and
Matt have both submitted alternate