I don't know why I forgot to mention it at the
time, but our team noticed something disturbing at the
ICT this year.
We had just happened to be
practicing with questions from '99 ACF Regionals teh week
prior, and many questions were taken almost ver batim
from the packets which we had practiced on all week.
leading to some easy answers by our team. Ones in
particular I remember is a question I got about Holly
Golightly from Breakfast at Tiffany's that I wouldn't have
known at all had I not heard that same question like 3
days before and a bonus about Roman architecture
(answers: Arch of Titus, Coliseum, Caracalla) that was
EXACTLY the same question.
Just struck me that we
nail Chip Beall for this, but it happened in what many
consider our most prestigious tournament.