Hey everyone.
It must be the end of the
year, because everyone's throwing tournament
announcements out there, claiming Saturday afternoons like
prime beachfront property.
Well, here goes. On
behalf of the fine folks at Boston University College
Bowl, here's our tentative schedule of events for
* October 20, 2001 - Crimson Puppy Chow V - Our
annual NAQT junior bird hosted with Harvard. This year's
event will probably be held at Harvard, but stay tuned
for updates on that.
* December 8, 2001 - Bay
State Quiz Bowl Classic IV - Our annual high school
event, which seems to be growing every year. We welcome
teams from anywhere round the globe to play.
February 2, 2002 - Terrier Tussle XI - Our annual pack
submission invitational, way too far away for anyone to be
worrying about.
* Febraury 16, 2002 - CBI Region 1
Regionals - We have accepted CBI's bid to host the Regional
this upcoming year. Though the event won't technically
be run by BUCB, I felt like throwing it
Any questions or comments, send along to qbowl_at_...
or direct to me at joncooch_at_... . Thanks for
reading, and a good summertime to you all.