<<The 20+B+b is not really double counting.
As an extreme example to check this, assume q=1,
B=30, and b=30, and you're on the first question of the
match. If you waited until the end of the question, the
score would be 40 to 0 (you're up by 40). If you neg,
the score is -5 to 40 (you're down by 45). The neg
then, cost you 85 points, -5+q(B+b+20), not q(-5-10-b),
which would be 45.>>
While this may be
The question appears to be one of choosing a
"baseline:" do you go with the "actual" loss (in this case,
the -5 and the 40 your opponents score, for a total
of 45), or do you include the extra potential loss
(the 40 you would have earned with a right
Personally, I prefer the latter, if only because it deals
with what "is."