So you have those last few dollars left in your
'00-'01 budget? Here's something inexpensive to spend it
UTC has questions for sale from 7 high school
tournaments. These questions are academic questions, with a
smattering of pop culture in
the mix, all in the ACF
style (that is, designed for untimed tournaments.) The
2001 Dennis Haskins Open set is available for $15 per
set; all other high school sets are only $10 each.
Each tournament is at least 11 rounds' worth, usually
If you're interested, just let me know what
format -- we can mail you a hard copy or send MS Word
files via e-mail -- and which sets you want. The sets
for sale are:
Dennis Haskins Open 2001, 2000,
1999, 1998
Trevor's Trivia/Selcer Memorial 2000,
1999, 1998
E-mail me at charlies_at_... for
details. If you need it for paperwork purposes, our
address is UTC A.T.A., c/o Charlie Steinhice, 1185 Mtn.
Creek Rd. #1801, Chattanooga, TN 37405.