It's a shame that there are so many tightassed people on this club nowadays. Who knows if NAQT would have even been formed if people who found flamewars offensive and opinions that deviated from the norm as dangerous tried to tell everyone else what is important and what isn't (#4997, among others). Although there are a lot of misconceptions in this message, let me just clear up the important ones: 1) I am not a professional, nor do I aspire to be. I am a quiz bowl charlatan. I'm sure old-timers have plenty of bad things to say about me. I thoroughly enjoyed my years of playing quizbowl and have edited ACF tournaments for the last three years as a way to give back to something that gave me so much satisfaction. If I wanted to be professional, I would still be teaching high school instead of slumming at a dot-com. None of this matters, though, since: 2) I am not ACF, and I do not pretend to speak with authority for it on this club, unless you count tournament announcements and the like. It is not "my format," it is the people's format. I certainly wasn't speaking for it during this whole discussion, as everyone else besides you understood. Although the fact that I am 1/4 of your quizbowl universe is both intriguing and slightly disturbing, I doubt anyone else feels similarly. 3) You state that I, acting as 1/4 of your quizbowl universe, was taking a swipe at the competition. Do you really think that ACF and NAQT are in competition? I don't pretend to speak for either organization, but I see now why your world-view is so distorted. Things brings us to: 4) In accordance with Sturgeon's law, 90% of what is posted to this club is crap (I feel proud that I have contributed more than my share). As you have already demonstrated, getting most of your meta-QB knowledge from here is a bad idea. But it's the anonymous postings, blatant trolls, and rampant unprofessionalism (God forbid!) that make reading it worthwhile. At this time, props must go out to quizquasay and billbrasky01, whoever they are, and to Vish and Matt Colvin, for some old-skool mondo flaming that brought about a lot of change to the circuit. Also, if you must insist on hearing about a skeleton from an NAQT member's past, then all I can say is "meow." Again, if you actually at some point would like to reply to my original message, go ahead, otherwise, feel free to continue flailing and adding to that 90%.
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