Oops, yes, I meant that you have too much free time. Thank you for bringing that to my attention. Does Yahoo really have a search engine that enables one to search through all the posted messages? That would actually be helpful on occasion. I still think you meticulously set aside all messages that could be used later. That seems anal and ruins the spontaneity of the "old-skool mondo flaming" of which you claim to be such a fan. Flaming is much more fun when you're able to make mistakes like accusing people of needing more free time. And why are you so hot on this "charlatan" label? I think you're getting a bit wrapped up in this falsely ironic attempt at self-deprecation. I'm reminded of a blurb in last week's edition of the Onion: "Former American Gladiator Still Insists Friends Call Him 'Turbo' LIMA, IN-- More than five years after his last appearance on the syndicated program American Gladiators, Dale "Turbo" Brandt continues to insist that friends refer to him by his on-air name. "Please," Brandt told acquaintance Lynn Crane at a dinner party Monday. "Call me Turbo." In recent years, Brandt has bought a "TURBO" vanity plate for his 1990 Honda Del Sol, placed a "Turbo" nameplate on his mailbox, and attempted to make restaurant reservations under the name "Turbo."" To wit: "Former College Bowl Mediocrity Still Insists Friends Call Him 'Charlatan' COLLEGE PARK, MD-- More than five years after his last appearance in a college bowl match, Dave "Charlatan" Hamilton continues to insist that friends refer to him by his self-given Yahoo screen name. "Please," Hamilton told acquaintance Weyoun Clone at a dinner party Monday. "Call me Charlatan." In recent years, Hamilton has bought a "CHARLTN" vanity plate for his 1990 Honda Del Sol, placed a "Charlatan" nameplate on his mailbox, and attempted to make restaurant reservations under the name "Charlatan."" Give it up already.
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