This is a preliminary announcement for the first (annual?) Iowa State Novice tournament to be held October 6, 2001 on the ISU campus in Ames, IA. We are planning on purchasing questions from NAQT. The format will be similar to NAQT rules but untimed, and most likely will feature a round robin combined with playoff for first. This tournament is limited first and second year players. (Talk to me about new school/special circumstance issues) More information is to come, I basically wanted to stake out a date. It would be helpful if interested programs would contact me, so I can get an idea if this something people want. The main reason I'm hosting it (funding aside) is to filled a perceived lack of events for younger players to attend (in the Midwest anyhow) early in the season. Please email me at pwtomlin_at_... with questions, comments, feedback, etc. I can be reached at my yahoo account but it is checked far less frequently. Additionally, if by chance any qb'ers are in the Ames area over the summer I am looking to hold weekly practices starting next week. Just contact me if you're interested. Though I doubt anyone is particularly interested, I have stepped down from my position as President of the ISU Academic Quiz Club. Matt Cvijanovich is now President and contact for the club. His in-session email is bigc_at_.... Anyone who feels the need to contact him over the summer can ask me about his summer email, I don't have it with me at the moment. Finally, and this may interest some of you, resident heavy hitters Joel Uckelman and Josh Kortbein have left our instituion. Both will be pursuing graduate degrees at U. of Wisc.-Mad (Joel) and U. of Minn.-TC (Josh). We bid a fond farewell to two former club presidents. Enough, Paul Tomlinson
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