part 2- Quoting dmleach: "One evening, however, just after Genus IV had come out, we caught them word-for-word plagiarizing three or four questions out of the new game. Having had to write questions for a number of years and realizing the amount of hard work it takes to write good questions, I actually wrote to Hasbro letting them know about it. I did receive a form letter response from their legal department, but I wonder what ever came of it." Yes, this memoir is extremely off topic, but since I've never actually played quiz bowl, this is as close as I get. :) Anyhow, back to Ground Round, and Bob the host, whose source of questions was "Picture Perfect" the not so successful edition of Trivial Pursuit featuring a Concentration-esque photo identification component. As soon as I figured it out, he changed sources (no correlation between these events). Unfortunately for him, he changed over to the Genus III edition of Trivial Pursuit, which I realized after the first day I heard his new questions. Since this was "The Only Game In Town TM," I made a point of avoiding those two games, since I just wanted to play trivia, not humiliate those table-hoggin' bozos at Gateway. That was just gravy. Bob also tended to repeat questions. "What word for evidence given under oath comes from the practice of swearing by your private parts?" was a favorite, as was "What word means able to move things with your mind?" I missed that question both times I heard it, answering psychokinetic, when telekinetic was what he wanted. Ah well. Finally, there's no pub quiz at all in Owatonna, MN, where I'm at now. I hear there's an Irish pub up in the Cities that has a once-a-month game that's pretty good, but tables there are at a premium, and it's a team game, and I've got no quiz-playin' mates to speak of. I'm getting rusty. Cordially, Myron M. Meyer The Man Who
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