Nathan et al.
Since I am the
writer/moderator of a pub quiz very similar to the one you played
in, I will give my 2 cents as a qb player and what
that brings to the table.
Obviosuly, I cannot
ask the questions of the length or near diffculty
seen at any submission tournament today. I also tend
to aviod rounds/questions such as the best-selling
book one mentioned. I do this because my experience as
a qb/trash player has led me to only ask questions
that reward knowledge, or stuff that one can
There are games like this in many bars in the area
where I live. (Philadelphia, PA). Some are good, many
are not, at least with question quality, as many are
stock trivia questions (What was the first video played
on MTV?), or just pulled from Trivial
Overall, an experienced qb player who knew a fair amount
of Trash would maybe miss 1 or 2 questions out of 40
per week in my game. When I play such bar quizzes, I
get annoyed at bad questions and inaccuracies simply
because you are being paid to do a job, and you should
take care that what you have written is
Phil Castagna