<<In doing research on high school quizbowl
for an article I am writing, I have found that most
interscholastic quizbowl involves two teams of 4 or 5 players and
using a lock-out machine. I know in Florida, Maryland,
and Virginia there are games with more than two teams
playing at a time. Are there other parts of the country
that also use more than two teams or other interesting
variations when high schools
The Knowledge Bowl format used out west (CO, WA and
possibly other places) allows for more than two teams to
play at once. The rules for the Washington state
Knowledge Bowl
(<a href=http://www.camas.wednet.edu/chs/club/kbowl/staterul.html target=new>http://www.camas.wednet.edu/chs/club/kbowl/staterul.html</a>) says three teams play at once in their oral
rounds (they also have written rounds) and I'm assuming
the same applies elsewhere.
-Kevin Commo