I haven't seen the following variation posted
yet, so I'll go ahead and let people know about it (if
people don't know about it already):
ASCA - Alabama
Scholastic Competition Association
hosts "Scholar's Bowl"
Tournaments each year for high school and middle school
teams. If things haven't changed since I last checked,
the format consists of 4 quarters, the first of which
consists of one sentence long, easier questions worth 5
points each followed by a round of 10 tossups
accompanied by "bounceback" boni that the other team can
steal if the first doesn't know any of the answers. A
100 point worksheet that the entire team can
collaborate on is followed by a "stump the chump" round of
paragraph long 15 point tossups with no boni and no negs. A
website, <a href=http://www.dbtech.net/asca target=new>http://www.dbtech.net/asca</a> exists (this, of
course if no one knows about this already).
Wesley Mathews