As someone who played KS "Scholar's Bowl" (or,
Nerd Bowl, as we called it), I feel obliged to make
the following point: Question 15 was always foreign
language, and 16 was current events. Oh, and when I played
they used overhead projectors for the foreign
language, and they turned them off when you buzzed in so
you had to translate from memory (I lost a couple by
forgetting that there was another adjective in the
sentence). The "real" CBI-style game was a big adjustment at
college; in HS, buzzer speed was it, since most everyone
knew all the answers at the same time (namely, the end
of the question). Plus, games only lasted 4 minutes
or so, so an entire 8-team round robin lasted, oh,
an hour, which is why every tournament was on a
Monday. I enjoyed it at the time, at least, and I am
still waiting the chance to translate something other
than "cherry brandy" from German.
Duke via Central Missouri State via Claflin High