Taking advantage of a rare lull in
Following the lead of the umpteen North American quiz
discussion groups (such as this one), we've set up one for
all things quiz in Great Britain and Ireland. It's
called Quiz GB, and it's hosted at Yahoo! Groups (now
you know why I was asking for help on Groups last
week... :) ).
The group is for all forms of
quizzing, although given the range of members, buzzer
quizzes are most often the subject. Although the focus is
on Great Britain and Ireland, members are welcome
from all over.
So what are you waiting for -
head on over to the group centre at
<a href=http://groups.yahoo.com/group/QuizGB target=new>http://groups.yahoo.com/group/QuizGB</a> .
Membership is open to anyone, but
occasionally the system gets a bug and tells you to wait for
the moderators to approve you. If this happens, don't
panic: e-mail QuizGB-Owner_at_yahoogroups.com with the
e-mail address you want to use, and I will add you to
the list.
Things are already pretty lively
over there, so I hope the group can become a valuable
addition to the world of quizzing...