Kristin wrote,
"I thought that the QB
community was going to try to avoid mentioning being part
of the community when appearing on shows like WWTBAM
or Jeopardy!, to ensure that they don't start
screening for that?"
IIRC, it was Regis who brought
the subject up, not Matthew.
I think that
Millionaire right now _is_ screening for academic competition
experience: they _want_ people with that experience because
they make good contestants. J! does too, but to a
lesser extent.
What you talk about on the air is
ultimately controlled by both shows - if they don't like it,
they'll get you talking about something else and edit out
what they don't like. So talk about what you want once
you're on.
As for the audition process, a person
can be paranoid and _not_ mention academic
competition experience - but IMO, at the current time that
will hurt your chances of getting on (or at least not
enhance them the way mentioning the experience