"(1) If you had to recommend *one* 'must-read'
book for people to read over the summer--on
own merits, independent of its usefulness to QB--what
would you recommend (and, if you
like, why would
you recommend it)? "
God Bless You, Dr.
Kevorkian by Kurt Vonnegut
(and no, I don't mean God
Bless You, Mr. Rosewater, which is also a fine
This is the print version of some broadcasts Vonnegut
did, if I remember rightly, for the Boston NPR
affliate. The scenario is that Vonnegut is at the lethal
injection facility in Texas, with Kevorkian assisting him
in near-death experiences so that he can get close
enough to the Pearly Gates to interview the dead. He
talks to James Brown, Hitler, and people who aren't at
all famous. This is Vonnegut philosophizing at his
best. I keep handing my copy of this book off to people
whom I can pressure to read it.
- Amanda