There is still another method for accomodating a
hearing-impaired individual. A few years ago, I used to compete
against a guy in HS who was hearing-impaired, virtually
deaf w/o his hearing aid. What happened at tournaments
was this: he had a little microphone which the
moderator spoke into by placing it on his/her lapel. Then
the kid could hear the questions fine. When another
team buzzed in and gave an incorrect answer, the
moderator would repeat the answer after saying incorrect so
that way he did not buzz in and give a response that
was already given as incorrect. It was a very simple
setup. I don't know what you'd have to do with a deaf
individual, on the other hand.
This discussion does
show several things about our activity though. How
many sports/games on the high school/collegiate level
can have handicapped individuals compete and do as
well if not better than those without such
difficulties? Not very many. And that's one of the reasons I've
always liked it.