<< Since summer is theoretically almost
upon us [or so the retailers say :P ], and since many
QBers like to read, a couple of questions for
(1) If you had to recommend *one* 'must-read' book
for people to read over the summer--on its own
merits, independent of its usefulness to QB--what would
you recommend (and, if you like, why would you
recommend it)? >>
Last semester I read Milan
Kundera's "The Book of Laughter and Forgetting." Although
in the beginning it was required reading, I
ultimately wound up enjoying the book immensely. It's hard
to describe it, but at the risk of sounding a tad
pretentious I would say that it's an examination of the
reaction of the human spirit to both sorrow and happiness.
Sounds kind of vague, but I would vouch for this book
anyday. It's definitely worth reading.
I also
reccomend "Catch-22," even if you've already read it 100
times. Every time I read that book I become more and
more convinced that it may well be one of the best
novels of the 20th century.
Jerry "Bite me, Jane
Austen" Vinokurov