Craig wrote:
P.S. Thanks to Julie
Stahlhut, I know am more bitter toward this endevaour since
she introduced me to the book "Complete and Utter
Failure" which I fell asleep reading at the 2001 ICT.
Actually, that book (by Neil Steinberg) is a good addition
to anyone's summer reading list, if you can find a
copy. The opening chapter, which describes some amazing
product-marketing failures of recent decades, is alone worth the
effort. Steinberg's style is also thoroughly
Congrats to Sean, of course, for real. I would never have
known how stressful such a competition could be until I
read the book. David Bykowski, a Bee veteran, has also
read it and assured me that it's factually accurate
(although Byko's attitude towards the Bee is somewhat
kinder and gentler than
Whose own attitude towards bees is usually positive
anyway, especially when those hardworking hymenopterans
are pollinating her raspberries. :-)