=== COST: Thanks to the generosity of NAQT, this tournament is FREE! But we do expect most teams to supply additional questions and have someone to act as staff when not playing. === QUESTION PACKETS: NAQT has generously donated questions from its United States invitational series #25. These will be very similar in style, length of questions, and breadth and depth of subject matter to a round on NAQT's website at <a href=http://www.naqt.com/IS-packet.htm target=new>http://www.naqt.com/IS-packet.htm</a> although of course the exact same topics won't likely come up. The tournament director (who hasn't looked at these packets) will e-mail two or three rounds to each team, who will replace some of the questions with others to make the rounds more suitable for a Canadian audience. The several-month-old rounds may also be updated by adding questions about current events that are more current. Teams with only inexperienced players will not be required to write questions. === CANADIAN CONTENT: Most teams will be expected to edit NAQT packets to adjust for the fact that VETO is being held in a different country. Overall, the final packet need not be "balanced" -- don't worry if it contains too much geography and not enough history. Some good general guidelines on question-writing style are those used by Boston University's Terrier Tussle, at <a href=http://people.bu.edu/qbowl/t10q.html target=new>http://people.bu.edu/qbowl/t10q.html</a> If you're itching to write some Canadian questions but can't make it to VETO or to one of its mirrors, contact us. If we have a Trans-Canada championship match then we'll need questions for it, as well as a moderator in a neutral location. === MULTIMEDIA: To promote fun and variety, teams are encouraged to bring multimedia questions (visual, auditory, tactile, olfactory, gustatory), whether Canadian or not. These tend to work better as bonuses than as tossups. An audiocassette player will be available at VETO 2001. === PRIZES: The leading individual scorer at VETO will take over the title of West Coast Dominatrix of Relevant Knowledge (WC-DORK). Anyone may sponsor a prize and select a winner according to any criteria. Last year, players sponsored prizes for the longest trip to VETO, most creative question, most imaginative answer, and others. Contact us if you're sponsoring a prize that you want listed on the web page. === OTHER VANCOUVER ACTIVITIES ON VETO WEEKEND: VETO is being held the same weekend as the 24th annual Vancouver Folk Music Festival ( <a href=http://www.thefestival.bc.ca target=new>http://www.thefestival.bc.ca</a> ), and ends the same day as the 13th annual Dancing on the Edge Festival of Contemporary Dance ( <a href=http://www.mcsquared.com/edge/ target=new>http://www.mcsquared.com/edge/</a> ). See <a href=http://www.tourism-vancouver.org target=new>http://www.tourism-vancouver.org</a> for more information about Vancouver, including links to special promotions. === CONTACT: If you are interested in participating, please contact Peter McCorquodale at petermc_at_... by June 23, 2001, so that we can sort out teams before sending out packets for editing. Updates will be posted on the web page <a href=http://caql.org/events/veto01.html target=new>http://caql.org/events/veto01.html</a> "A lot of Imperialist ladies asked me to tea to meet schoolmasters from New Zealand and editors from Vancouver, and that was the dismalest business of all." - John Buchan, The Thirty-Nine Steps
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