<<There are a bunch of good reasons for not
disclosing any personal info on an internet
Really? Give me one "good reason" why you shouldn't post
just your name, with no contact information, in this
<<If you are so friggin curious, then just email the
person and ask who they are, you lazy
Yeah, it's real easy to write this sort of prepubescent
drivel when you don't have to identify yourself. So,
since I'm "so friggin curious," I'll send you an email
and ask who you are. Anyone want to take bets on the
response I get?
When people are allowed to
continually post anonymously, the opportunity for meaningful
discussion is significantly diluted because conversations
can degenerate into adolescent name-calling and
finger-pointing, with no risk of exposure. We've already seen this
several times, and it's only going to continue. Thus, I
am publically calling for Mr. Levinson to address
what I (am I the only one?) perceives as a growing
Chris Sloan