You'll have to pardon me for a moment, I've
missed about a month's worth of discussion because of my
move to New Hampshire for the summer. But that's a
whole other boring story for another boring
In the time that I've missed, this entire club has
devolved from a place where one could come to read posts
about expanding the canon to include more Kleist
questions. It's now a shouting match where no one signs
their posts, everybody rips on everybody else every
chance they get, and we all wait breathlessly to find
out how many times wannabe will be attached to the
name people are using to copy nacutie.
I gotta
say, this place is the most fun I can ever remember it
being. Whomever nacutie is, a hearty round of applause
to you. Anyone who can unseat the world's finest
dead, white authors in the hearts and minds of
America's game show contestants is OK in my
Jon Cooch, who's ranting because he can and hopes to
see you all at Mark Coen's Cancel Bowl on June 23rd
on the beautiful campus of BU.
- No, Coen
didn't tell me to shill for him.