1. Yes, I have deleted another batch of messages
(1 spam, several slander/libel). Those who wish to
repost it, take it to qbflame, qbflatsoda, or whatever,
just don't steal everyone's attention.
2. If
you think someone is a jerk, others surely agree with
you. On the other hand, saying that someone is a jerk
will provoke sympathy for the jerk (the whole underdog
thing) and give the jerk more attention than would
otherwise be received.
3. Anonymous posts are
allowed and will continue to be allowed. (However, with
Yahoo's cooperation, one could at least trace the post
back to the IP address from which it originated, and
then police could do fingerprinting on the keyboard or
otherwise investigate.
<a href=http://www.startribune.com/st/qview.cgi?template=politics_a&slug=gram16 target=new>http://www.startribune.com/st/qview.cgi?template=politics_a&slug=gram16</a>
for a somewhat amusing story about former Senator Rod
Grams' wife. ) There are reasons for anonymous posts,
and deleting them is more trouble than it is worth.
Most email programs have filters, if you receive that
-- DavidLevinson