I hadn't been meaning to say anything about this publicly. Earlier tonight, I told one of the creators of the list that it offended me. Granted, I was more upset than I should have been going in; more than that, I was angry. But in the discussion that followed, she rejected what I had to say out of hand, so I'm bringing it here. Maybe I am hopelessly neurotic, but this list smacks too loudly of hallway giggles in grade school -- except now it's been posted publicly, letting everyone know who's In and who's Out. A few months ago, to my continued regret, I did something not too different from this. The Deb Fuller Awards I embarassed us all with were crude and mean; they were theatre club in high school all over again, some small cadre of people taking it upon themselves to call the shots for the community, and in so doing to highlight part of group to the degradation of everyone in it: This person is special, for a superficial reason. You are not special. As the posters note, this kind of list has popped up before. I should note here that the poster I talked to said that they thought this list would provide a short laugh one day, and be forgotten the next. For dramatic effect, I now remind you all that we still remember that first list, and it was posted five years ago. Five years ago, there was no NAQT, and there was no chatroom or Yahoo! board; more than that, there were no high schoolers involved in the community the way they are now. In the interval, the gender ratio of QB has improved, and at the same time, awareness of gender issues has markedly improved. This community of ours has changed from a cult into a symposium. Maybe this is all just bitterness about not being on the list; I was usually also on the non-fun end of the dodgeball game, so maybe that all ties in too. Everyone's neuroses are a rich tapestry. However, being the person I am today, having made this same mistake not too long ago, I have to say that I object to the spirit of this list. Edmund
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