I'm going to go with Edmund here, and I'm going to disagree with Rob. Here's why. 1. Every year, usually more than once, everyone gets into a brouhaha about the climate for women in qb. Stalking, sexism, qb as meet/meat market - you know the drill. I'm going to tread into dark waters here and publicly question why, if females continuously deride quizbowl as a significant haven for men who are sexist and/or stalkerish, such an item is created. It seems that its publication either indicates a desire for qb to be more of a meat/meet market and for people to be judged on their attraction to the opposite sex, or there's a flouting of a double standard (Rob's assertion that men doing the same thing would get hammered). On the first possibility: I'm not saying that quizbowl should be devoid of social interaction - it seems a good and normal thing that romances have developed from an event on which many people spend a significant amount of time. However, making it public takes it to another level - it's like telling your friends that the blond/e drinking Sam Adams is an 8.5 and his/her friend is a 7. Do you want to play quizbowl in a bar? If it's the second, it's immature and childish. Period. 2. Opt-in. Remember that stupid little Andy Goss idea of Survivor this time last year? Remember the comment that people didn't have a choice if they wanted to participate? 3. Edmund hinted at it. I'll come out and say it. Yes, it's a stupid little list. Yes, it's a joke. Yes, I have issues of my own. That said, I will still say that it did hurt - not heart-being-torn-out-of-my-body-and-repeatedly-stomped-on hurt, but hurt nonetheless. This is probably Pollyanaish since I supported a similar idea last year, but I, like Edmund, would like to think that I've learned my lesson. At least some people will have their feelings hurt by this, and it's particularly callous since they didn't ask someone else's opinion. I would like to say thank you, however, to those people who have once again reminded me that I'm unattractive. Maybe if I hear it enough times, I'll learn to live with it.
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