confusion has a nasty habit of following me
(especially if you're the drunk guy on the Metro last night
who was asking me how to get home). as I said, I
don't know half the guys on the list. I didn't meant to
give the impression that I came up with the praises,
nor that I knew nothing at all about it. to clarify,
no, I did not write the list. yes, I knew it was
going to exist and was asked way back at the beginning
for input on the names to include. I posted because I
was shocked at the reaction. Laugh, people, laugh.
It's good for your blood pressure. Taking humorous
things properly is healthy. Getting all riled up about
them isn't. We don't need any qb funerals around
I would approve of the other website if it did not
include a Hello Kitty motif. To the creator of that,
Julie does rock.