It's amazing the things I'll do rather than work.
Here's the best I can come up with:
1] The dotted
"g" and crossed "h" diacritics are used, apparently,
in the Maltese language. There is a guide to
European diacritic marks (something I know you all want
<a href= target=new></a>
The capital of Malta is apparently Valletta, which
has about 8,000 people.
2] There is
definitely a statue of Alexander Fleming in Barcelona's red
light district. Supposedly it was put up by the city's
prostitutes in gratitude for his having made possible cures
for venereal diseases.
I have found some web
pages for Barcelona that appear to be referring to
addresses on a Fleming Place or Fleming something, but my
Catalan isn't quite up to this task, or any other for
that matter.
If you can find a decent tourist
guide to Barcelona, it should be able to settle the
matter, if it's important. The only problem is that
Barcelona isn't the capital of an independent country, only
an autonomous region, but it's still "a European
capital city," if you use a wide enough