First Rosner, now this
934 F.Supp.
Highlights include:
"Motion to Kiss My Ass" in which
the plaintiff moved "all Americans at large and one
corrupt Judge Smith [to] kiss my got [sic]
damn ass
sorry mother fuck you."
Other past motions
"Motion to Behoove an Inquisition"; "Motion for Judex
Delegatus"; "Motion for Restoration of Sanity"; "Motion for
Deinstitutionalization"; "Motion for Cesset pro Cessus"; "Motion for Judex
Delegatus"; "Motion for Nunc pro Tunc"; "Motion for
"Motion to Impeach Judge Alaimo"; "Motion to
Renounce Citizenship"; "Motion to Exhume Body of Alex
Hodgson"; "Motion to Invoke and Execute Rule
15--Retroactive Note: The Court's School Days are Over" (I have
no idea what this Rule 15 could be).
"Kiss My Ass" motion came after the court ruled that
the plaintiff could not join former US Senator Sam
Nunn to his case. He had also tried to join, among
others, Ted Turner, citing his involvement in some sort
of global conspiracy.
My only hope is that
Greta Van Susteren can get to the bottom of all this...