NAQT is pleased to announce that it has selected
two new members for the 2001-2002 competition
Craig Barker played quiz bowl for the University of
Michigan from 1996 to 2000 while earning his BA in U.S.
History and Secondary Education Certification. While at
Michigan, Craig founded The Maize Pages, an informational
website about quizbowl, whose crowning jewel is its
directory of college and high school teams. In addition, he
directed seven major tournaments for Michigan Academic
David Bykowski is a 2000 graduate of Furman University
(with B.S. degrees in Mathematics and Computer Science)
where he founded the Furman Academic Competitions Team
and served as tournament director for five events.
Currently a graduate student at the University of Michigan,
he has played quiz bowl for various schools since
1990 but focuses his efforts on tournament
organization and administration.
-- R. Robert
President and Chief Technical Officer,
National Academic
Quiz Tournaments, LLC