Reposting of original announcement... Hi, all. This is the official announcement for the ST. LOUIS OPEN III, an ACF-style event, to be held on Saturday, October 27, 2001 at Washington University in St. Louis. The tournament, as usual, will be open to all teams: masters, bastard, collegiate, high school, whatever. Trophies will go to the top two overall teams and a third trophy will go to the best division II team (1st- and 2nd-year players). In addition, there will be eight all-star medals and two division II all-star medals. Please drop me an e-mail at rsbhan_at_... if you would like to mirror this event or if you would like to set up a packet trade. This year's ST. LOUIS OPEN will be an optional packet submission event. Teams that choose to submit packets in a timely fashion will receive significant discounts. You must notify me by September 14, 2001 if you wish to play but do not intend to write a packet. Fee Structure: Base fee w/o submitting packet: $120 Base fee w/ submitting packet: $80 Discounts: -$5 per working buzzer system -$10 per competent game official (determined by us, of course) -$20 for distance (over 300 miles one way) -$10 per division II team -$20 if packet in by Sept. 14 -$10 if packet in by Sept. 27 No penalty if packet in by Oct. 4 +$10 if packet in by Oct. 14 Don't bother submitting after Oct. 14 unless prior arrangements have been made. Minimum fee: $50 for packet submission, $90 for no packet Packet Guidelines: We'll be aiming for a difficulty level approximating ACF Regionals, which should be a good deal easier than previous ST. LOUIS OPENS. Questions should challenge experienced players and not frighten new ones. Total Questions - 25 toss-ups/25 bonuses Literature - 5/5 Science - 5/5 History - 5/5 RMP - 3/3 Fine Arts - 3/3 Social Science - 3/3 Trash - 1/1 I'm not going to be too strict or specific with the distribution. Please don't deviate too much from the distribution listed, and please be as diverse as possible within each major category. Freelance packets are more than welcome and one will receive a complete set of questions from the tournament for writing one. I can't think of anything else I need to say, so I'll bring this to a close. If you would like to register for this event, or if you have any questions or comments, or if you miss me you can send me an e-mail at rsbhan_at_.... Good luck at all the summer tournaments. Roger Bhan
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