This will be re-posted again after the fall
semester starts.
The University of Oklahoma is
proud to announce that it will be hosting its annual
Route 66 Tournament on Saturday, Oct. 6, 2001. Fees and
packet reqs will follow in later postings, as we develop
them. Format will be ACF-lite, and at this point we are
working on a deal that may allow teams to compete without
having to write any packets; however, that may change as
the tournament date draws closer.
More info
will follow, but we wanted to get the date set on the
books so we wouldn't have to worry about any regional
conflicts. Oh yes, it does fall on the same weekend as
OU-Texas (as usual), but that shouldn't matter to us,
should it? For now, you may contact me for reservations,
questions, etc. My e-mail address is blasmo_at_.... See you
at the Burns!
David Murphy,
Univ. of Oklahoma