Right now, for Moc Masters (academic) on Aug. 11
and Muck Masters (trash) on Aug, 12 in Chattanooga,
we have 5 teams confirmed for each and a whole bunch
of free agents. With this many free agents, and with
several of the usual suspects not yet heard from, I
expect more teams. If the field size stays below 9 we'll
run double round robin or some other format to give
everyone as much play as they want. (In the case of Muck
Masters, that's subject to the number of available
Tonight I'll be e-mailing a list of teams and
free agents, with contact information, to interested
parties. So I won't give out others' e-mail addresses
without their permission, I won't post it to the Yahoo!
forum. If you want to receive that list, e-mail me at
steinhic_at_... -- that's my new e-mail, and yes, it's steinhic,
not steinhice. Thanks.