As of this moment, 1203 GMT on 30 July 2001, the following 19 people are scheduled to play in The Third Annual Montgomery Burns Tournament for Outstanding Achievement in the Area of Popular Culture: Barker, Craig Burger, Mike Clevenger, Carey* Coen, Mark Elitzur, Haggai Grote, Doug Hight, Brian Kidder, Dwight Long, Rob Murphy, Dave* Neuburger, Tim Quintong, James Rosenberg, Chris Saxton, Brian* Sorenson, Greg Terjimanian, Armen* Thorsley, Dave* Wallace, Dave Young, Tim* *indicates first timer Additionally, I think I fine staff has been corralled: Bykowski, Dave Groce, Phil Mitchell, Anne Olmstead, Kevin von Kleist, Heinrich plus several others whose names escape me at the moment If you know of anybody who is not on this list and is planning on playing, please let me know immediately. Similarly, if you see someone on the list that you know is not playing, please let me know. The bracket drawing will take place at 9 AM sharp in the basement of the Modern Languages Building, room TBA. We are having a kerfuffle with the scheduling department since they don't seem to understand that when we ask for 10 rooms, we would like 10 rooms, not 7. Play will be just like the other years, two groups will play a round-robin with the top 3 from each group going to one bracket, the second 3 in another and the rest in a third. Barring any personnel changes, the preliminary brackets will look something like this: Rod Bracket-Sorenson, Coen, Burger, Quintong, Grote, Wallace Todd Bracket-Barker, Kidder, Hight, Elitzur, Rosenberg, Neuburger The remaining seven players will be randomly assigned on Saturday morning. As quasi-advertised, the All-Star game will be in Weakest Link format, with one player leaving with as much as $40.00. The rest will leave with nothing, or probably even less than nothing, considering the fine selection of prizes Anne Mitchell and I have scared up. Also, don't forget there are several other festivities occuring as well. Tim Young will be exporting Heavy Rotation 3 from the East, other people may bring packets o'fun as well, and post-dinner at my place, much to my neighbor's delight, The Game Show Round 3.1. Also, on Sunday, several of us will be going into Detroit to see a fine matchup between Reggie Jackson, Joe Rudi and Blue Moon Odom's A's vs. Al Kaline, Bill Freehan and Mickey Lolich's Tigers. Oh, wait, it's 2001. You'll have to settle for Frank Menichino, Eric Chavez and Tim Hudson A's vs. Jose Macias, Juan Encarnacion and Chris Holt's Tigers. Sorry. See 'ya all on Saturday Mike Burger mmb5_at_... <a href= target=new></a>
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