"QuESADILLA 4: A Tale of Two Zesties", a guerilla quiz bowl event, will be held on August 25, 2001. It will be held in the THOMAS BUILDING at Caltech. Note that this is not the building where we have held previous tournaments! The Thomas Building is building #44 on the campus map at: <a href=http://www.admissions.caltech.edu/visiting/campusmap.htm target=new>http://www.admissions.caltech.edu/visiting/campusmap.htm</a> Start time is 9:00 AM. * Open admission -- masters welcome * Bring copies of your own packet: 24 tossups / 24 bonuses 4 Science 4 History 4 Literature 2 Fine Arts 2 Religion/Mythology/Philosophy 2 General Knowledge/Current Events 1 Geography 1 Social Science 1 MORE Geography OR Social Science 1 Pop Culture 1 Sports 1 MORE Pop Culture OR Sports * Examples of question packets from QuESADILLA One can be found at <a href=http://robotics.caltech.edu/~mason/packets target=new>http://robotics.caltech.edu/~mason/packets</a> * NO entry fees * NO editing * Teams help moderate during byes * NO prizes unless privately sponsored by participants. In past years participants have offered up prizes for such things as Best Packet, Best Question, Best Theme Packet, Most Valuable Player, Best Team Name, Ugliest Neg, and Best Prize. Of course, you don't have to sponsor a prize if you don't want to. But WAIT there's MORE---Name That Tune! Since the Name That Tune round at the recent BASQUE tournament was well received, we will entertain submissions from anyone who wants to put together a Name That Tune audio round for the QuESADILLA attendees. We can provide boombox-style stereos to play audio rounds which have been assembled on a tape or CD. If you want to use a computer setup, you'd probably better bring your own. Audio rounds should consist of 20-40 brief audio samples. Other than that, there are no guidelines, but we suggest you try to cover a broad spectrum of music, and/or provide some truth in labeling. In other words, if you want to put together an entire round of '80s metal bands and Gregorian chants, at least let players know what they're signing up for. Contact quizbowl_at_... with questions or to confirm that you will be attending. Information about the tournament will be posted at <a href=http://www.its.caltech.edu/~quizbowl/Q4.html target=new>http://www.its.caltech.edu/~quizbowl/Q4.html</a>
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