We would love to be able to host the
tournament on a day that does not conflict with any other
tournaments and on-campus school events, but there is only so
many dates to do it.
Due to UD activities, our
only choices were Oct 6, Oct 27, and Nov 3. Swarthmore
is holding SNEWT on Oct 6, so that rules out that
date for us. That leaves only Oct 27 and Nov 3 as
options. According to the calendar, the Terrapin
Invitational is on Oct 27, with ACF Fall on the 3rd. Given the
option between those two, and the fact Sanford (DE)
School is hosting their high school tournament on the
Oct 27th, we decided November 3rd would be better for
our organization.
Also remember, Baby Hen is a
freshman/sophmore tournament, aimed especially for first year
players. I tend to believe not many first year players
will be competing at ACF right away and that will this
allow schools to be able to send teams to both/either
competitions. That being said, if something changes in the
tournament schedule to free up a particular weekend, we
would consider it.