For the gentlemen considering purchasing "The
Judge" buzzers, I beg thee, please don't. I, as well as
scores of others, completely despise those things.
Reasons why:
1) They restrict your movement and
spacing of desks, forcing you that much closer towards
your stinky teammates.
2) The incredibly short
wiring inevitably causing a cascading rain of buzzers
slamming into the floor *bang* *slap* *crack*
3) The rubber pads erode off the handsets, leaving
you with a sticky gooey mess in your hands.
You have to double- or triple-check to make sure that
your light is indeed the one that is lit
Because of these situations, I am pleading with you to
purchase a ZeeCraft, or even better in my opinion, a
Both of these systems have plenty of cord length for
spacing, allowing you to move around and prevent buzzers
from falling of the desks. They provide you with your
own personal light, and they don't have any sticky
stuff on the handsets, other than the typical QB
Please reconsider.