> I agree that your complaints about The Judge
> are more than justified. Still, there is
something to be said for it. For one thing, it
> is
virtually indestructible. It may be annoying
> when
the buzzers crash to the floor, but they
will still work afterwards. The case is very
sturdy and will withstand all sorts of banging
around. I've noticed with systems that have
individual lights, the little plastic clip
> things
on the ends of the wires break off and
> at
least one person has to spend the match
worrying about whether their light is still
plugged in or not.
Speaking of which, does anyone
have any advice or references on how to _repair_ the
Judge (or know anyone who knows how)? One of ours is
suffering from some combination of loose wiring and bad
bulbs, which has led to some amusing but aggravating
buzzer ties at practice lately. Any input would be
appreciated--replacing the buzzer isn't feasible due to our limited
budget and isn't palatable given that it mostly
UIAQC (Iowa)