UTC has lots and lots of practice material. much
of which we offer at the discounted rate of only $10
per tournament. (That's anything over a year old;
newer ones are still typically $15.) If you're starting
a neophyte program, you might want the packets from
the last 3 years of Sword Bowl, our "junior bird"
tournament. Sword Bowl 1999 and 2000 are $10 each, 2001 is
$15. Full 4-year academic sets from the Center of the
Known Universe Open for 1998, 1999, and 2000 are
available at $10 each, as are sets for the Moon Pie Classic
1999 and 2000. (Moon Pie 2001 is still $15.)
that's not even mentioning the high school sets, or the
trash sets... If you want more details, you can e-mail
me at steinhic_at_....