As part of Orientation Week at CWRU, we have been asked to run a trivia game as part of GameFest on Tuesday. I'm wondering if there are any academic tossups-only/singles questions out there appropriate for HS/Freshman-Sophomore difficulty recently written that we can use for our event. For those interested (especially those of you planning on recruitment activities), the game rules are a hastily constructed amalgam of Two-Minute Drill, the Weakest Link, and Hilleman Singles: 1) All tossups worth 10 if correct, -5 if incorrectly interrupted, no rebounds. 2) Each preliminary round game (up to 10 people, using the Judge here) lasts 2 minutes. 3) First person to reach 100 points automatically wins and is exempt from answering any more questions for the duration of the match. 4) If time runs out, the person with the most points wins. 5) If all players combine to score 150 points at the conclusion of the game, a bonus prize will be given to all players scoring 40 points or more. 6) Two seconds to respond, one second for question to die. 7) Tiebreaker for first: sudden death tossups. 8) The Final Match will consist of prelim session winners (we have 8) plus any wildcards to fill any holes according to highest score by non-winners. The Final Match will have two periods of two minutes each. Rule 3 is discarded in the Final, so everyone plays the full 4 minutes. 9) Admission for prelim rounds is by "ticket" only, given away freely by staff. Contestants must make their appointed time to compete; no make-ups. No more than two tickets (one academic, one trash) per person. 10) If any competitor yells "bank", everyone loses 100 points... just kidding. Separate academic and trash "titles" will be contended. Please let me know asap if you have such questions you can send me (again, appropriate for HS/Freshman-Sophomore difficulty). I will offer any electronic set of questions that you do not have that are in my possession in exchange. While a "tournament set" is preferable to individually written packets, I'll consider all offers.
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