This is an announcement for the autumn ACF tournament being held Saturday, November 3, 2001 at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. This will be a packet-submission tournament with all packets submitted to the tournament editor, Kelly McKenzie, at ksmcke0_at_.... *Why is this tournament being held? In the words of Kelly: "In recent years, ACF has gained the reputation for using extremely difficult questions which are not readily accessible to younger players, and this reputation is not entirely undeserved. Because of this, my main goal as chief editor will be to provide a set of high-quality questions in tune with the philosophy of ACF which are readily accessible to younger, less-experiences players, while at the same time challenging to grizzled quizbowl veterans. Based on the great success Subash Maddipoti had with this season's Regionals questions, I am convinced that this is a goal well within reach." *Who is eligible to participate? Participation will be open to teams composed of students from the same college or university. Any exceptions to this rule must be cleared with Kelly McKenzie. While there will not be a separate field for younger players, the top teams composed wholely of first and second year players will be recognized. *What's the format? Standard ACF format - two untimed ten tossup halves with accompanying bonuses. The subject distribution will follow ACF guidelines (see below). *What about questions? This is a packet-submission tournament. To quote Kelly: "As far as I am concerned, this is the most important part of this announcement. In order to achieve the goals stated above, we at ACF will need your help. It is vitally important that the packets you submit be written at an appropriate difficulty level; there is only so much that editors can do with packets which are written at an inappropriate difficulty level. Specifically, be sure to take advantage of the pyramid structure of ACF questions. In this way, one can write questions about topics of basic importance to their fields which are both readily accessible to inexperienced players and which will reward deep knowledge of the subject (if you are unsure whether a certain answer is acceptable, feel free to ask me at the email address listed below). As always, packets should consist of 30 tossups and 30 bonuses. Be sure to consult the ACF Question Writing Supplement at <a href= target=new></a> and the ACF Formatting Guidelines at <a href= target=new></a> for other packet writing details." Packets should be submitted to Kelly at ksmcke0_at_.... (continued in next message)
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