I am, as you remember, Commissioner of the VHSL Scholastic Bowl competition. This is an advertisement for the following positions: Question writers for Math and Science virginiascholasticbowl.org Webmaster Group Directors for State Competition Quizmasters for State Competition For all positions, quizbowl experience, technical competence (for the webmaster position), professionalism, past experience with VHSL competitions and past working experience with me will be the primary considerations for being hired. Of course this assumes there will be competition for these positions :) My profits come from the following sources: 1. Sale of questions at the Intramural, Varsity and Regional levels to individual schools, districts and regions of the VHSL 2. Sale of out-of-state rights to the questions to Champions Quiz Preparation after the conclusion of the state tournament 3. A contract I have with the VHSL to organise and run the State competition and to write the questions used for that competition. -- Question writers for Math and Science I am at best an adequate Science question writer and am at best a fair Math question writer. Therefore, I will need question writers in those areas. The questions are to be written for the Intramural, Varsity, Regional and State levels. At least 80 matches of 55 questions each will be written. 22 of those 55 questions are math and science, thus at least 1,210 questions will need to be written. This assumes no districts or regions order "unique" questions for their district or region. In that case, more questions will be needed, possibly on very short notice. Difficulty will be varied throughout all levels, but will generally get harder at the higher levels. Questions should be split between one-sentence questions and 1-4 sentence, pyramidally structured tossups. Pay for this position will be by the question. People who live in the DC area will also be wanted to read over these questions before they are shipped. Dinner and other bribes will be considered on an ad hoc basis. I will split 45% of all profits between the people who write the questions (this will, of course, include me.) This will be a minimum of 31 cents a question (I have the state contract sewn up and compete for business on the district and regional levels.) Using last year's profit, I anticipate pay will be in the neighborhood of $1.97 per question. -- virginiascholasticbowl.org Webmaster I have that domain registered. However it's sitting dormant, as a result of my lack of specialised knowledge. I want message boards, regularly updated scores from all levels and resources for coaches/players/officials on this site. I will handle the obtaining of webspace and can assist in moderating the message boards. Pay for this position will be 20% of total Scholastic Bowl profits. This will be $500 guaranteed. Using last year's profit as a guideline, I anticipate the pay will be in the neighbourhood of $1,800. -- Group Directors for State Competition Quizmasters for State Competition The State Competition will be on Saturday 23 February 2002 at William & Mary. I will need 3 Group Directors (bracketmeisters) and 3 Quizmasters for this endeavour. Also, these people will be responsible for a Friday night reading of the questions. The tournament is seven rounds, double-elimination with eight schools. Pay will be: $75 for the day ($50 from VHSL, $25 from me) Free lunch on Saturday Free dinner on the night before Free hotel room (3-4 to a room) You must, however, provide your own transportation to Williamsburg. I can provide transportation for 1 other person from the DC area, possibly 3 other people. Shawn Pickrell VHSL Scholastic Bowl Commissioner
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