After much philosophical deliberation and a heated exchange of forensics, The UCLA (University of California, Los Angeles) College Bowl Club is pleased to announce TWAIN II (Tournament Without An Interesting Name, the Second). This should be the first intercollegiate event of the year for most schools, especially on the west coast. Come one, come all! DATE: Saturday, October 6th, UCLA Registration will occur and doughnuts and OJ shall be served, all beginning promptly at 9.45. Rules meeting will be at 10.10, and Rounds shall commence at 10.30. Please be on time! We are currently finalizing room selection, but meeting and rounds are likely to occur in Bunche Hall (the "waffle"), on the north side of the UCLA campus. FORMAT: We will be using NAQT Juniorbird questions. The format will be like NAQT, but with untimed rounds. The exact scheduling system will be determined by the number of teams playing. Each participating team will play a minimum of eleven rounds. We will also be running rounds for high school teams at the same event, but it is unlikely that there will be any matches between college and high school teams (ie. there will be separate divisions!) ELIGIBILITY: We are throwing open eligibility to all undergraduates and all high schools. COST: Per team $85 base fee -$10 for the 2nd, 3rd, etc. teams from a school -$10 for bringing a working buzzer system -$25 for bringing a skilled moderator (this person must be approved by the Tournament Director in advance). The minimum cost per team is $40. REGISTRATION: The Tournament Directors for TWAIN II are Ravi Menghani and Adam Buchen. If you are planning to come, please email us ASAP at quizbowl_at_... with your school's name, a contact's name, email address, and phone numbers, and the number of teams, buzzer systems, and moderators you expect to bring (please give the names of all suggested moderators). SPACE IS LIMITED, so register soon. Please note, many details of the tournament are still being hammered out. A more detailed announcement, directions, contact numbers, etc. will be sent before the tournament. Regards, Ravi Menghani TD, TWAIN II President, Founder UCLA College Bowl Club
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