Hello all, My name's Stephen Aslett, I'm a junior at Rice U. in Houston, and this is my first post to the quizbowl group. I'm posting this because it looks as if, after years of neglect, Rice is finally getting its act together and is going to have a relatively active quiz bowl organization. In the past, Rice has only attended CBI regionals and one or two other local invitational tournaments. However, this year, I and a few other QB diehards are working to ensure that the administration provides us with enough funds to allow us to make it to at least one big out of state tournament this year (possibly PennBowl). In addition to travel money, we're also attempting to raise funds for some new equipment (right now, we have a grand total of one buzzer system and one clock). I'm posting this message because I was wondering if any of the people on this list had any recommendations for places to buy assorted QB equipment (buzzers, timers, question packets, etc) at a decent price. Unfortunately, despite its large endowment, Rice has been notoriously stingy with its funds, so the cheaper, the better (as long as the stuff isn't so cheap that it's crap). Also, if anyone has any advice on how to help get a new group off of the ground (I've already read NAQT's FAQ on the subject), it would be much appreciated. At this point early in the semester, what we're trying to do is gauge the level student interest, come up with an operating budget, and decide which tournaments to potentially attend. So far, we've come up with a preliminary list of: Texas A&M Juniorbird CBI Regionals (Region 12) NAQT South Sectionals PennBowl XI Of course, we'll also try to attend any local invitationals that we can. If anyone on this board is in CB in our area and knows of potential local invitational tournaments (read local as Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, and Arkansas) that are coming up and could let us know about them, we'd appreciate that as well. Hopefully, if all goes well, you'll be seeing a much larger and much better organized Rice College Bowl team this year. Thanks for any and all help, Stephen Aslett
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