As briefly announced earlier, the UT- Chattanooga Academic Trivia Association will host our fall high school tournament, the 4th annual Trevor's Trivia: Bob Selcer Memorial High School Quizbowl, on Sat., Oct. 13, 2001. The field is tentatively capped at 50 teams, which sounds huge, but we had 42 at our spring tournament, so you might want to reserve your space early. ELIGIBILITY: Players in grades 7 through 12 are eligible to compete. Any teams with all players in grades 7-10 will compete for separate Division II trophies, although they will still have matches against Division I teams. Also, there will be separate All-Star awards for players from grades 7-10, even if they play for a Division I team. FORMAT: This will be an untimed tournament of 20 tossups and 20 bonuses per round with no bounceback on bonuses. Questions will cover a variety of academic disciplines, with a small amount of popular culture and general knowledge thrown in. The field will be divided into brackets for a round robin followed by playoffs. During playoffs, non-playoff teams will have the option of playing consolation rounds. Note: Teams may consist of up to 4 players at a time. Substitutions are allowed between matches only. Once the tournament begins, rosters for each team are set and a player may not switch teams (i.e., from the B team to the A team) during the tournament. FEES AND BUZZER SYSTEMS: Tournament fees are as follows -- Base fee: $60 per team (4 players can play at a time with up to 3 alternates.) $10 discount for each additional team from the same school $5 discount for working lockout buzzer system (one discount per team, but please bring spare buzzers just in case and if we need to use them we'll knock another $5 off your fees) After the tournament, complete sets of questions may be purchased for $15. LOCATION AND SCHEDULE: Tournament headquarters will be in 129 Grote Hall on the UTC campus in Chattanooga, with matches in both Grote and Holt Halls. Registration will begin at 9 AM EDT on Sat., Oct 13, with announcements at 9:45 and play starting at 10. While a precise schedule wont be available until we verify the size of the field, we anticipate finishing no later than 8 PM. ACCOMMODATIONS: The Days Inn Rivergate has a limited number of rooms available at a discount rate of $55/night. With a major church convention in town that weekend, we suggest you reserve early. The Days Inn number is (423) 266-7331; tell them you're with the academic quizbowl. DIRECTIONS: Directions to Grote Hall: Come towards downtown Chattanooga on I-24. Take the freeway splitoff labeled US 27 North Downtown Chattanooga. Follow US 27 North to Exit 1A, 4th St. (Dont worry about which way to turn on 4th St. it only goes one way.) Follow 4th St. about mile till you see the UTC Arena on your right. Just past the arena, turn right at the light onto Mabel St., which goes around a curve and becomes E. 5th St. When you see a cemetery on your left, look on the right for Holt Hall. You can either park on E. 5th St. or use the parking lot for Holt, with the entrance just past Holt. Grote is the building right behind Holt. Registration forms are being mailed to most area schools, but if you have not received one by Sept. 20 and would like to preregister, please let me know and I will send you one. Preregistration and prepayment are not required as long as we know how many teams you'll bring from your school. If you have any questions, I can be reached at home (423-877-2706) or my office (423- 763-7147), or by e-mail at steinhic_at_.... Charlie Steinhice, A.T.A. Coach
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