The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Academic Trivia Association will host the 2001 ACF Fall Tournament Midsouth Regionals. The tournament will be held on Saturday, November 3, in Grote and Holt Halls on the UTC campus. Per the results of our poll, this will be a Saturday-only event. Registration will begin at 9 AM with play starting at 10 AM. PACKET SUBMISSIONS: As already noted, packet submissions should go to ACF's Kelly McKenzie at ksmcke0_at_.... Quoting Kelly, "As far as I am concerned, this is the most important part of this announcement. In order to achieve the goals stated above, we at ACF will need your help. It is vitally important that the packets you submit be written at an appropriate difficulty level; there is only so much that editors can do with packets which are written at an inappropriate difficulty level. Specifically, be sure to take advantage of the pyramid structure of ACF questions. In this way, one can write questions about topics of basic importance to their fields which are both readily accessible to inexperienced players and which will reward deep knowledge of the subject (if you are unsure whether a certain answer is acceptable, feel free to ask me at the email address listed below). As always, packets should consist of 30 tossups and 30 bonuses. Be sure to consult the ACF Question Writing supplement at <a href=http://www. target=new>http://www.</a> and the ACF Formatting Guidelines at <a href=http:// target=new>http://</a> for other packet writing details." FEES: Fees for the Midsouth Regional are as follows: Base Fee: $95 Discounts: - $10 for additional teams after the first from any given school. - $10 for bringing an experienced moderator who is available for the whole tournament. - $5 off bringing a working buzzer (bring extras and, if we need them, we will give another $5 off) Packet Submission Discounts (as set by ACF): By Sept. 21: -$15 By Sept. 28: -$10 By Oct. 12: no penalty By Oct. 19: +$15 By Oct. 24: +$25 (No packets will be accepted after October 24 unless prior arrangements have been made with Kelly.) New Team Discount: If your school has not played in ACF Regionals or Nationals in the past two years, your packet requirement is waived and you pay $50. No further discounts apply, because ... Minimum Fee: $50 ACCOMMODATIONS: The Days Inn Rivergate has a limited number of rooms available at a discount rate of $55/night. The Days Inn number is (423) 266-7331; tell them you're with the academic quizbowl. DIRECTIONS: If you need directions, e-mail me at steinhic_at_....
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