However true this editorial may have been in
1973, it seems very ill-timed today.
With the
exception of Iraq, nearly all the nations of the world have
offered their support. Germany has detained two people in
connection with the bombing, Cuba (!) has offered air space
and medical assistance, the EU is declaring Friday a
day of mourning for the victims of Tuesday's attacks,
NATO, Russia and Australia and Pakistan are pledging
their full support, and many countries are sending
search and rescue teams. The EC President Romano Prodi
has said, "In the darkest days of European history,
America stood close by us and today we stand close by
America." In short, the world _is_ racing to the help of
If you are an American, now is an excellent time to
show your patriotism. However, I believe there are
much better ways of doing that than insulting other
nations who have so far been very generous in offering
both tangible and intangible support.