Andy Goss wrote:
Yes, the
editorial does seem a little ill-timed... or it WOULD, were
it in an American newspaper such as the New York
Times. However, this editorial (and the speech it came
from) were written and published in Canada. The US will
not toot its own horn here (and is indeed grateful
for every nation stepping up and declaring this as
crossing the line), but that doesn't mean other nations
Yes, but as Mike already pointed out, it
was written in 1973!!!! What is illtimed is the
distribution of it today; that is tooting your own horn, Andy,
regardless of what you say. It should be obvious to everyone
that the US has real enemies; Americans dredging up an
old story attacking America's friends today is
tactless and counterproductive.
I was insulted to
see this post on the board today. It is an affront to
the thousands of Canadians who have given blood in
the past two days (and people all over the world who
would do so if they were close enough to help), the
nations willing to go to war to avenge this attack, and,
most importantly, the hundreds of foreign-born men and
women who have died in New York and
Don't ask America to stand proud, ask EVERYONE who
believes in freedom ANYWHERE to stand proud and stand
TOGETHER against this horror.