The arrogance of the left wing continues to amaze me. American businesses wouldn't be in these countries if there wasn't a market. Why do the people who insist on controlling the desires and actions of others receive the moral high ground? What arrogance a Frenchman who tell his countrymen that they are wrong for liking Big Macs has! What arrogance the American left has for doing the same! No one's forcing you to eat a hamburger; the rest of the world has no obligation to conform to your preferences. "Live and let live," for crissakes. It's not evil to sell someone shoes. In many of these countries, no shoes would be there if it weren't for Nike and its competitors. If you don't like Nikes, you don't have to buy them. The people whose economic options are legally restricted by the forces of isolationism and backwardness, and the friends of such things on the left here, do not have such a choice. The people who died on Tuesday because some twisted fundamentalist doesn't want anyone on his continent buying shoes or Big Macs or the King James Bible had even less of a choice. While there may not be any guarantee that ignoring the demands of terrorists will prevent future attacks, there is at least a chance that remaining steadfast will prevent some attack at some time. What is certain is that should a withdrawal from Israel or any other policy change occur in direct response to the attacks, anyone with a grievance against the USA will be encouraged to use violence against civilians to pursue their goals. The net gain of refusal to give in is clear. Dissuading any increase in terror attacks is certainly not the same thing as a "win/loss" view of the situation.
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