I've been fairly out of touch for the last couple
of days because I was actually a bridesmaid in my
cousin's wedding. I left Thursday for the rehearsal and
dinner. Spent the night at my aunt and uncle's house,
then did preparations on Friday and Saturday morning.
Did end up stopping by my old church around lunchtime
on Friday and saw someone I've known for years and
haven't seen sincee before Christmas. Wedding was
Saturday night and went beautifully...Many happy wishes to
Elizabeth and Carlton Dooms!!! The DJ at the reception was
actually my brother's Little League coach from a couple
years ago, which was cool. The only guest who didn't
make it and was supposed to is my aunt Dawn...who WAS
supposed to fly from San Fransisco on Tuesday or
Wednesday...through Newark and into Dulles. My dad even made it back
from guarding his armory for his National Guard unit
and was able to offer the prayer. We had karaoke at
the end and the bridal party led everyone in "God
Bless the USA". So that was my weekend. Tomorrow, I
work and catch up on work/sleep.