I'd have to disagree, as I think that policy
change could have changed this, but the results might
not have been the best for U.S. interests. Osama Bin
Laden's big problem with the United States is its
presence in the Middle East, particularly in Saudi Arabia.
That's why most of the attacks had been focused with the
intention of getting the U.S. to leave the area. And the
U.S. could have left, though I doubt that was a
feasible option.
The fact of the matter is that the
United States does need to pay a little more attention
to the concerns of the Arab World, though I doubt
any policy short of complete support of the
Palestinians would have been enough for some groups. The issue
is extremely complex, as U.S. policy problems
currently have their roots in our original policy (the
subject of my in-progress thesis). This attack has been a
horrible tragedy and some of it may have root in policy,
but it takes a lot more than that to cause someone to
commit such a heinous act. The response of support that
the U.S. has gotten from traditional enemies in the
Arab World, as well as those countries with which the
U.S. has better relations is a good sign.
two cents.